Discover Our Easy To Follow Step-by-Step Courses, Workshops & Coaching Programs To Earn Consistent Online Income
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The 7 Keys To Generating Consistent Passive Income From Social Media
Download Your ReThink Online Income Guide
The 7 Keys To Generating Consistent Passive Income From Social Media

ReThink Academy

Learn, Earn, Accelerate, Prosper!

The Problem: An entire generation of people, having followed the traditional education model are struggling financially, time poor and feeling lost and stressed. There is a growing awareness that their skill sets and qualifications regardless of what was promised are not the most effective tools to financially thrive in today’s fast moving environment. The “Leap” to learning these new skills feels confusing, daunting and overwhelming.

Our Promise: ReThink Academy are your accredited vocational training partner to assist with taking that “LEAP” safely and confidently. Learn through our free or paid easy to follow step-by-step courses, workshops & coaching programs on our metaverse platform how to Earn a consistent online income, allowing you to Accelerate your success and Prosper in all areas of life. At ReThink Academy, you will be taught  and mentored by experienced entrepreneur coaches, who themselves have built 6 and 7 figure online businesses.

Our Products: Newsletter, challenges, webinars, books, certified online courses, workshops (virtual & in person), support software, coaching and mentoring.

Time To RETHINK Your Future, or:

The choice is yours really, but we’d rather you choose to chart your course towards a much better life, not having to be in any of the situations listed above. We’ll teach you to make a whole new difference. Get started now!

Here’s the Better Picture!

This is what you’ve been looking for: The right information, mentorship, and step-by-step guidance that will help you:

How ReThink Academy Works

  1. Begin Your Journey

Schedule a Call

Simply schedule a call with one of our ReThink Online Income Coaches (aka. ROI Coaches) Today. During the call, we’ll get to know you, where you are coming from and where you are at regarding your online business, as well as your expectations/goals. These will help you select the best income model that’s a match for you.

2. Get Trained

Join ReThink Academy

Now that you know what you want, it’s time to get the necessary training needed to achieve them. ReThink Academy is a Rigorous Coaching, Training, and Mentorship process that is aimed at helping you go from struggling to running a profitable online business in the shortest time possible. You will have access to our programs and products, starting from the free resources/webinars to the levels of paid training, coaching, and mentorship sessions.

3. Apply Your Knowledge

Build A Profitable Business

This is where you practice all you have learned. The positive results would be inevitable. Your assigned coaches and mentors are seasoned entrepreneurs who have not only repeatedly built highly profitable online businesses but have taught and mentored hundreds to do the same. Like several others who have passed through our system, you will make some real progress within the first few weeks of learning.

Our Records

We’ve been guiding and empowering everyday people to create extraordinary results since 2014

Workshop Attendees
Published Books
Coaching Team
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ReThink Academy

Our Motivation

Here at ReThink Academy we know that you want to be a Successful Online Entrepreneur. In order to do that, you need the education and support to make money online. The problem is there is too much information and misinformation which makes you feel confused, concerned and worried about your finances and future. We believe you deserve a straightforward proven easy to follow process. We understand because in 2009 our CEO, Paul O’Mahony, was dealing with the exact same dilemma and challenges, in fact most of our coaches have also been in the exact same situation, but they all had their ReThink Moment! We want you to experience yours.

The Best Fit Online Income Model For You

There are many ways to generate online income. It can get very confusing and we’ve seen that people either select the wrong model or try and work on too many different models. We can help you determine the most ideal model based on your background and experience. Let us help you take the guess work out of the equation. No matter your background or prior experience, there’s an online income model that’s a good match for you.

Featured On…

ReThink Academy

Coaching Programs

Since 2014 we’ve trained over 9000 people in 34 different countries to learn how to use Social Media to generate online income, and have coached over 900 people, and helped many to build 5 and 6 figure businesses.
So, if you’re ready to ReThink your life,schedule a call with one of our ReThink Online Income Coaches (aka. ROI Coaches) Today. They will help you select the best income model that’s a match for you.
In the meantime,go ahead and download the ReThink Online Income Guide, The 7 Keys To Generating Consistent Passive Income From Social Media so you can stop being confused about how to use social media to make money online, stop worrying about your financial future, and instead
start your journey to generate consistent online income, pay off your debts, and start living the laptop lifestyle.

Stories From Happy Clients

Discovery Series Guest Faculty

Learn from World Renowned Experts In their Fields
Each week the best of the best share their wisdom with academy members.
Digital Product Creation Expert

Shaa Wasmund, MBE

Neuroscience & Super Brain Performance

John Assaraf

Bestselling Author, Business Coach

Raymond Aaron

Coaching & Consultantcy

Shawn Casey

Digital Marketing & Funnel Conversion

Mike Filsaime

Online Niche Domination

Alicia Lyttle

The Wealth Chef' - Wealth Creation Expert

Ann Wilson Peter

Best Selling Author & World Renowned Mindset Transformation Expert

Dr. John DeMartini

Discover How We Can Help You